Course Studio Job Board Job Board / VP of Engineering / Apply VP of Engineering Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone Country * Postal Code * Professional Details Resume * Resume must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Cover Letter Cover Letter must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. LinkedIn Personal Information Tell us about a project where you estimated both frontend and backend work. What were the biggest challenges, and how did you handle them? * Describe a time when you had to take over and lead a project that was at risk. What did you do to ensure it was completed successfully? * Share an example of when you had to explain a complex technical issue to a non-technical client or executive. How did you make sure they understood, and what was the result? * What is one process you introduced to your team that improved project quality? Why did you introduce it, and how did you know it was working? * Submit